The oil boiler is still currently equipping many houses around Europe. Polluting and usually not very economical, some different solutions can be explored to bring savings and a real gain of comfort into the house. What appliance must I choose to replace my oil boiler? Why is it important to do it?
Why change your old oil-fired boiler?
The old oil-fired boilers are a real ecological threat. They pollute and release 7 to 10 times more CO2 than newer devices. According to the French ADEME, the disappearance of oil-fired boilers would prevent the emission of one million tonnes of greenhouse gases per year.
Changing your old oil boiler offers two benefits:
- For the environment: choosing a less polluting appliance makes it possible to make an ecological gesture and to participate in the reduction of CO2 emissions;
- For your wallet: choosing a newer appliance means lowering your heating bills and ultimately consuming less energy.
In addition, the price of heating oil is rising and varies from day to day. It depends on the cost of a barrel of oil that fluctuates according to the months and geopolitical news. For an individual, it is difficult to closely monitor price developments and identify the most opportune time to buy fuel. A disadvantage in less if you opt for an electric boiler.
What appliance to replace its old oil boiler?
Choosing your boiler is a real budget concern. This will have a significant impact on the amount of your heating bill. Opting for bad equipment, not suitable or poor quality, these are additional maintenance costs, insufficient heating comfort, high energy bills or worse: the obligation to change after only a few years.
That’s why it’s important to choose a high-performance device that consumes as little energy as possible, without sacrificing ecology. A non-polluting boiler, with a high efficiency, is indicated. The solution ? The electric boiler .
The Mini Europe ThermoGroup electric boiler meets these criteria because:
- This is a appliance that does not pollute. It does not reject CO2 or toxic fumes. In addition, you can most of the time subscribe to green electricity contracts (often at the same price as conventional contracts) to use renewable energy to power your heating system.
- Its efficiency is close to 100% , which makes it a very powerful product, whatever the surface to be heated. Its purchase cost starts at 649 € and can go up to 945 € maximum. Finally, unlike gas or oil boilers, you will not need to subscribe to a mandatory maintenance contract.